18 Apr Season 1 preparation
We are currently working to prepare for our first cultivation season as the Southern Yukon is melting out from under a record breaking snow-pack. Activities at the moment are centered around completing the last bits of electrical infrastructure needed to run our fans and pumps in the cold frame greenhouse. The image above shows the recent weed/pest burn inside the greenhouse.
This will house our seasons starts until they are ready for transplant in the fields and then it will be home to our more pampered auto-flowering selections. There are also plans for a light deprivation cold frame to house photo-period cannabis that will likely be our highest quality of flower produced. Not that we plan on producing ANY low quality cannabis!
To achieve that quality we will be using things like actively aerated compost tea (AACT) made from cannabis based vermi-compost produced on site. We will also use fermented plant extracts (FPEs) made from sustainably harvested local plants, flowers and berries that grow in the diverse range of micro habitats present on our organically certified farm. These inputs will be very important to building our soils microbial life that is the lynch-pin to plant nutrition.
The diverse range of habitats also contributes to our integrated pest and pathogen management program by providing habitat for a wide range of pest predators.
The cold frame had an enormous number of Ladybugs in it last fall as a response to a few pest insects found in the weeds growing therein!
We have burned off those weeds eliminating the pest’s eggs and leaving the area surrounding the cold frame with ample numbers of ladybug eggs to hatch this spring and clean up any other challengers.
Follow along as I continue posting on our infrastructure construction as well as AACT brewer build and all the various and sundry other little things that make a big plan come to fruition!
It’s going to be a very interesting season as we adapt to the demands of the crop and our location as well as build our team and solidify our knowledge base around soil building and genetics choices.
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